Saturday, September 10, 2011


I dreamed I was an excellent dirty dancer.  Then I was an astronaut and I was training in my big astronaut suit and it was hard to breathe and I had to be "blind".  And a black guy came up to me and asked if I was in love with him and I told him I didn't know because I couldn't see him.  And then there was some kind of natural disaster, a tornado or something, so I was in a big nice basement of some house.  And after that, I was wandering around campus, kind of lost, and Conan was there and I loved him.  The end.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

School :(

Had a dream last night I was in some kind of awful cross between St. Charles and North. I tried to ditch "GYM", but Mrs. Schoeb found me hiding in a stairwell and gave me detention every day for a week.  When I was going to lunch someone came up and told me I had left my backpack in the gym, so my laptop was waiting in the office.  I was really afraid of people there looking at my personal stuff. But when I got there, they made me sit down and answer questions and talk about stuff.  I was already so distraught over the detention issue, so I was fighting tears.  I was filling out a stupid questionnaire thing and one question was something like "why did you come to this school?" or was it "what do you plan to do when you graduate?" or both, because I thought I didn't choose this stupid ass school, burst of tears, and what the hell am I going to do with my life.  And I kept trying to laugh to cover the crying, but it was stupid.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dreamed that it was my 20th birthday and I thought that it was my 21st birthday and I was really disappointed when I remembered!  And no one had wished me happy birthday on facebook.  Worst birthday ever!

Monday, July 25, 2011

I dreamed that I worked for Conan and we played human bowling and I was the ball and I slid across like four lanes because I'm so crazy and funny.  But of course Conan won.  My only kind-of friend there was Conan's assistant, who is really adorable, and she was so nice to me and encouraged me to continue with my sexy comedy career.  I found out that she used to be married to Neil Young and I was a little outraged because she's about 25 years old.

I had another dream that Father Gallitan, from St. Charles, died and I saw his decaying body outside the church when I went to the funeral.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hot Wheels

Dreamed last night that Renato was in a wheelchair.  And he had always been in a wheelchair, but I only just noticed it last night...

Monday, July 18, 2011

my dream is to fly (over the rainbow)

I dreamed that I was running of someone like I've done shit but in the dream I remember that it was something usual, I couldn't pass in a corner sidewalk and then I entered in a building and went to the last floor and my there but she wasn't my mom or even my friend. I went to the window and said "ohh that's ok, it's no that tall, I wouldn't die jumping, there is always something to help downstairs.." after this I was suspended by hands in the window and waiting for something but I heard a lot of police coming and bombermans because they thought I was going to commit suicide! then my mom said: "dude, you're gonna die if you jump down, you're crazy, try to find another street to go to college! I thought well and decided not to jump. I woke up really scared.

Destruction of Tara?

I had a dream last night that my friend Lee Ann and other St. Charles girls who I thought were my friends suddenly turned on me (or maybe I just suddenly realized I was hated).  And she said stuff like, "I'm going to hurt you!  I'm going to destroy you!"  And I couldn't defend myself (verbally, since I wasn't actually being attacked) (and I don't think I was afraid of that because I could take those girls any day) (and used to beat up Lee Ann all the time in elementary school).  So I was just laughing and saying, "we'll see," which only provoked them.  But it was still really scary and devastating to my self-esteem.

Friday, June 24, 2011

My wedding.

I was getting married in a really big church (but it also...wasn't a church...).  It was really chaotic, nothing was set up, my family wasn't ready, so I was freaking was pretty much exactly how I would expect a Lofgren wedding to be.  So I started to put everything in place, like flowers and junk, and then everyone stood around like they were ready to start.  Then I started freaking out again because I wasn't ready, emotionally I guess.  Also, I don't think my (almost) husband had even arrived yet.  Or he was back in a room getting pretty, which is what the BRIDE is supposed to do.  And I was really mad because everyone was seeing me in my dress before it started.  My dress, WHICH WAS BLACK!  So when my mom saw me panicking she was like, "do you not want to do this?"  and I got extremely offended.  And then everything just kind of turned into a bus stop... And that's why I want to get married in Vegas.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

get crazy get wild

So last night I was part of jersey shore (FINALLY).  Unfortunately nothing fun or crazy happened, we just walked around a mall and played skeeball.  Which was almost impossible because it was so high, so you couldn't really roll the ball.  Then we saw some dudes together and it was kind of like dramarama because one of them went out Jenni, or something.  And now they're gay.

Then Pauly D was in my room and I thought we were FRIENDS or something but when I reached around him from behind to touch his abs, he freaked out and started dissing me and calling me and my fingers ugly.  And I yelled "we're just shooting an intro for the summer series!" and he said something like, "series? Fuck no!" and I was heartbroken.

Friday, June 17, 2011

dreaming drunk

Last night I gave Andrew some really old Mudslide (it was opened in about September) and he drank it...I've only been saving it because IT'S LIQUOR, so I just wanted to give it to someone.  So I was kind of worried that he might get sick, but he's a man, whatever.  So then I dreamed that he did get sick and had bloody diarrhea after drinking it.

hahaha ha ha ha.  hilarious


Monday, June 13, 2011

Nap Dreams

Today during one of my many naps, I dreamed that I was walking through a parade (I think I was in England or something) and there were a lot of statues that I was taking pictures with and then one of them, GEORGE WASHINGTON, was alive and we danced together and he asked if I voted for him and I said yes.  Then he asked if I voted for "Twitter" and I thought, uh oh that sounds familiar but I don't know who that is, so I mimed texting to kind of make a joke....and then we got in trouble for dancing by a security guy, so I ran away.  At the end of the parade we were at Caesar's Palace and I was in a prom dress and sparkley shoes and I wandered through the casino by myself and felt super cool and sexy but was disgusted by all the young (like, high school age) kids there trying to gamble.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

One day before monday murdering dreams

I just woke up and this night, something really scaring happened. I was at my granma house talking to my mom when somebody messaged me warning that my friend Raul was dead.(I know him since I was 3) WTF?! No one was telling how that happened then I went to his house to talk with his mom. In front of his house, there was a lof of people trying to enter at his house, I noticed that he was in the garden... Guess what happened? When I got to enter, I saw 2 bodies, his head was thrown in some corner and his legs were cut in half, I saw his knees and arms, it was like a mount of meat, there was a lot of blood. People were gossiping, but the history was that him and his brother killed each other instantly but before cut the neck, they cut arms and legs and everything happened so randomly (I wonder how did they get to cut all arms, who would cut the last?), without a reason. All I remember is that I was crying without stop, even his family was comforted, all of my friends were asking why I was crying...There wasn't no one to pick up their bodies and someone threw their bodies in the sidewalk... After that, 2 guys came up to his house and said: "Hey, I wanna talk to his mom, cause I saw the same problem with some friends of mine, they were addicted to (some drug I don't remember) and when his girlfriend broke up with him, he killed his brother and his brother killed him). I also remember that his hands were like chicken paws and there was a lot of wasps eating his corpse. It was a disgusting and sad dream. That's all.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


A few nights ago I had a dream that I was back at high school, just visiting, but I got really scared when lunch was over because I didn't want to get in trouble for not being in class and I had no way to prove I was just a visitor (this really happened once).  And the whole time, I was thinking, "ohhh I better not see Shaan, I don't want to look like a stalker."  So then Mrs. Brett helped me get out (?) and wrote a note for the "cop".  Then when I got outside, Cassie Martin was there, swimming in a secret pool I never knew about.  And I really wanted to stay and swim with her.  But instead I watched from above (kind of as if I was at a dolphin show or something) and the bottom half of her body (and everyone else swimming) turned into a dog's body.  And then Boomer, the dog, did some jumping water tricks like what sea lions do.

Last night I dreamed that the other Cassie called both Kim and Mahsa and they said she sounded really sad, like crying.  Because she's coming tomorrow! (or the next day?)

The avalance truck!

Don't ask me where I was going to with my two uncles inside a truck in that dream, but I'll gonna tell you guys how that happened. There is a city here in Brasil (I'm not patriot but I hate guys using "BraZil" and my dear friend Tara already knows it.) called Campos do Jordão, however, I'm not sure it was that city, it's just a guess because that city is full of hills and mountains and an irregular ground. So, it was me and two of my uncles, a paternal uncle and a maternal uncle, randomly we were riding into a really dangerous place and the road was bonded with the hills but downstairs was a precipice. My uncle was crazy and began to increase the velocity and we got so afraid. After some seconds, I noticed that we were going to fall down on the precipice... All I thought to do was save my life and the first collision was with a mound of earth and got to survive (I know because I didn't faint) and we kept going down really like a snow ball in an avalanche then we hit on the floor and there was another mound of earth, I had to throw my body back to balance the inertia because I wasn't using safety belts. After that, all I could remember is that I survived and the truck finally crashed but I can't find my uncles, they were thrown out of the truck because of the inertia.

I was really scared but I wanted to find my uncles and I saw a village on the horizon so I went to get help. Talking to some peoples, they said my uncles were dead and I couldn't see them anymore and I didn't know what to do. I was sitting on the floor remembering of what just have happened when I saw one of my uncles so I got so happy and I asked him what happened, and he said that he died but he was there to say goodbye. Then I woke up sweating with my pillow fallen on the floor... Maybe it was the truck hahaha

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

One day after monday dreams

I just woke up and all I can remember (because my memory sucks and I have to write everything just after I wake up because if I don't, I forgot) is that my mom were trying to cut my stupid hair because she and my father are trying to kill me and they think I should beat all my veterans and I wasn't letting her cut my hair then she stoped talking to me. After that, I dreamed that I came back to my high school but nowadays, not in the time I was in the high school. I was next to one of my bestest friend and we were so nostalgic, so we started to talk and when I had to leave, I gave him a hug and he said "come on bro, I missed you, I really wanted to hug you".

Just before wake up, I had a dream that I couldn't wake up and I can hear when my phone was ringing and I woke up but it was already 20h05 and missed another day of class at the college, I was really pissed because my dream kept me lying down. So when I really woke up, it was just 12h05 (surprisingly) and then my phone rang and it was my father saying that I gotta go to the bus station by myself.

Friday, June 3, 2011

party hardy

I woke up at 7 this morning to pee, then upon falling back asleep I dreamed the same situation, but when I got up to go to the bathroom there was a raging party in our apartment.  When I went to my bathroom, there were about eight people in there just hanging out and they welcomed me, but I was really uncomfortable.  So I ran to the other bathroom (which, in my dream, was the "boys bathroom"...haha Kimberly....) but it was also full of people, so I abandoned that too.  I'm not sure if I ever relieved myself...But I wandered around the partay and checked out my apartment that got a lot cooler (because there was another hallway next to my hallway!!!! and the rooms were like, swimming pools and a surfing pool).  Then I saw a dear old friend who was so drunk I'm not sure he knew who I was, and he said something about his boyfriend, and I thought, "GOOD FOR YOU!"

Thursday, June 2, 2011


A few nights ago I dreamed Tyler and I were driving down Grove Street by St. Charles and I was like, "Grrrrrooovvvvveeeeee Streeeeet" and it was really narrow with an incline of like 90% and people were biking up it and then just dropping off and riding away again.

Last night I dreamed I was at the Thunder store checkin' out the Thunder gear (I hear playoff shirts are $5) and some players were there, so I was trying to impress them by acting really interested in their jerseys.  So I was stroking the #35 a lottt ;) but not getting a response.  And my mom said, "hey, what about Ibaka?" and I was like, "UGHHHH."  But it was ok because then Kevy D noticed all my caresses and acted all smooth and sexy.  Then he slipped his hand through it and grabbed my hand and we held hands and it was so romantic.  <3

Mahsa had a dream that KD shaved her eyebrows and told her it was the only way she'd get on the team.

Kim dreamed that she and I were Mexican paleontologists digging for "alphabetical letters".

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Last night I had a dream that I drew an awesome picture (or made a great wax sculpture, I don't know, something realistic) of my boyfriend Kid Cudi (no, I don't think it was Kid Cudi, I just wish, but it was definitely a famous sexy black man).  And he was taking pictures with it and you couldn't even tell who was the real person.

Also, I had a dream that I was in a big cafeteria (I think I was back at St. Charles--it was a nightmare) and I went to choose a table to sit at and then all these Thunder guys came in, but they were all sitting at different tables.  And I said, "WHY IS NO ONE SITTING WITH ME?!" and then I looked over and saw Nick Collison across the table from me and was like, ohh damn, the boring white guy.  And he reached out to shake my hand but his hand was like, covered in mashed potatoes or something.  It was disgusting.  Really disappointing.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I met the queen!

So last night I dreamed I was on a plane that was also kind of a helicopter and we landed in water and there were water monsters (like sharks or something), so we had to protect our legs.  Then I went to the queen's house (aka Buckingham Palace) with a bunch of my friends and they served us tortellini and it was kind of delicious.  But after I had eaten, someone stole my chair (it just disappeared from under me?) so I had to move and then we went on a tour and I was supposed to know all the history of everything but I didn't know anything because I didn't do my homework all semester.  :(

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday night dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

last last night I dreamed a tornado tried to killed me.  I was out in the middle of nowhere, Oklahoma, going to a carnival or flea market or movie set or something and suddenly I saw a little tornado come down and I was like, "hey that's kind of cool," but then people started screaming to take cover.  BUT since we were in NOWHERE, there was nowhere to go, only a little picnic pavilion.  So I crawled under a picnic table with about a thousand other people and by then the tornado was huge and it went right over us and IT HURT.  There was a group of kids in a band or orchestra and their teacher was screaming at them to play a song while we all huddled under the tables.  And I fell off a cliff somehow, but it was ok because I was in a boat or something.  I guess we all survived, but then I had to navigate through a massive field of snakes bigger than me.  It was a really terrible dream.  And the next day, this happened in OK (and at least 9 people are dead):

I also had a dream I tore up my debit card with my bare hands.  (WHY?!)

And I found a home where kitties and puppies were living together and taking care of themselves and I took a lot of pictures of them on my phone.  They were pretty precious.