Friday, June 3, 2011

party hardy

I woke up at 7 this morning to pee, then upon falling back asleep I dreamed the same situation, but when I got up to go to the bathroom there was a raging party in our apartment.  When I went to my bathroom, there were about eight people in there just hanging out and they welcomed me, but I was really uncomfortable.  So I ran to the other bathroom (which, in my dream, was the "boys bathroom"...haha Kimberly....) but it was also full of people, so I abandoned that too.  I'm not sure if I ever relieved myself...But I wandered around the partay and checked out my apartment that got a lot cooler (because there was another hallway next to my hallway!!!! and the rooms were like, swimming pools and a surfing pool).  Then I saw a dear old friend who was so drunk I'm not sure he knew who I was, and he said something about his boyfriend, and I thought, "GOOD FOR YOU!"

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