Monday, July 25, 2011

I dreamed that I worked for Conan and we played human bowling and I was the ball and I slid across like four lanes because I'm so crazy and funny.  But of course Conan won.  My only kind-of friend there was Conan's assistant, who is really adorable, and she was so nice to me and encouraged me to continue with my sexy comedy career.  I found out that she used to be married to Neil Young and I was a little outraged because she's about 25 years old.

I had another dream that Father Gallitan, from St. Charles, died and I saw his decaying body outside the church when I went to the funeral.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hot Wheels

Dreamed last night that Renato was in a wheelchair.  And he had always been in a wheelchair, but I only just noticed it last night...

Monday, July 18, 2011

my dream is to fly (over the rainbow)

I dreamed that I was running of someone like I've done shit but in the dream I remember that it was something usual, I couldn't pass in a corner sidewalk and then I entered in a building and went to the last floor and my there but she wasn't my mom or even my friend. I went to the window and said "ohh that's ok, it's no that tall, I wouldn't die jumping, there is always something to help downstairs.." after this I was suspended by hands in the window and waiting for something but I heard a lot of police coming and bombermans because they thought I was going to commit suicide! then my mom said: "dude, you're gonna die if you jump down, you're crazy, try to find another street to go to college! I thought well and decided not to jump. I woke up really scared.

Destruction of Tara?

I had a dream last night that my friend Lee Ann and other St. Charles girls who I thought were my friends suddenly turned on me (or maybe I just suddenly realized I was hated).  And she said stuff like, "I'm going to hurt you!  I'm going to destroy you!"  And I couldn't defend myself (verbally, since I wasn't actually being attacked) (and I don't think I was afraid of that because I could take those girls any day) (and used to beat up Lee Ann all the time in elementary school).  So I was just laughing and saying, "we'll see," which only provoked them.  But it was still really scary and devastating to my self-esteem.