Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Last night I had a dream that I drew an awesome picture (or made a great wax sculpture, I don't know, something realistic) of my boyfriend Kid Cudi (no, I don't think it was Kid Cudi, I just wish, but it was definitely a famous sexy black man).  And he was taking pictures with it and you couldn't even tell who was the real person.

Also, I had a dream that I was in a big cafeteria (I think I was back at St. Charles--it was a nightmare) and I went to choose a table to sit at and then all these Thunder guys came in, but they were all sitting at different tables.  And I said, "WHY IS NO ONE SITTING WITH ME?!" and then I looked over and saw Nick Collison across the table from me and was like, ohh damn, the boring white guy.  And he reached out to shake my hand but his hand was like, covered in mashed potatoes or something.  It was disgusting.  Really disappointing.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I met the queen!

So last night I dreamed I was on a plane that was also kind of a helicopter and we landed in water and there were water monsters (like sharks or something), so we had to protect our legs.  Then I went to the queen's house (aka Buckingham Palace) with a bunch of my friends and they served us tortellini and it was kind of delicious.  But after I had eaten, someone stole my chair (it just disappeared from under me?) so I had to move and then we went on a tour and I was supposed to know all the history of everything but I didn't know anything because I didn't do my homework all semester.  :(

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday night dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

last last night I dreamed a tornado tried to killed me.  I was out in the middle of nowhere, Oklahoma, going to a carnival or flea market or movie set or something and suddenly I saw a little tornado come down and I was like, "hey that's kind of cool," but then people started screaming to take cover.  BUT since we were in NOWHERE, there was nowhere to go, only a little picnic pavilion.  So I crawled under a picnic table with about a thousand other people and by then the tornado was huge and it went right over us and IT HURT.  There was a group of kids in a band or orchestra and their teacher was screaming at them to play a song while we all huddled under the tables.  And I fell off a cliff somehow, but it was ok because I was in a boat or something.  I guess we all survived, but then I had to navigate through a massive field of snakes bigger than me.  It was a really terrible dream.  And the next day, this happened in OK (and at least 9 people are dead):

I also had a dream I tore up my debit card with my bare hands.  (WHY?!)

And I found a home where kitties and puppies were living together and taking care of themselves and I took a lot of pictures of them on my phone.  They were pretty precious.